organization of conferences, integration events, promotion of regionsorganization of conferences, integration events, promotion of regionsorganization of conferences, integration events, promotion of regionsorganization of conferences, integration events, promotion of regionsorganization of conferences, integration events, promotion of regions
Inspirations for business
we organize study visits for journalists, press conferences


Dominican Republic - promotion in Polish media

Recommendation and selection of optimal nationwide range media platforms to promote and support the advertising campaigns prepared by the Ministry of the Dominican Republic.

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organization of conferences, integration events, promotion of regions

Flavors of traveling - Italy

Implementation of the project - Tastes traveling in Peschiera del Garda and the surrounding area.
Meetings with chefs and producers of local products.

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Study visit - Western Masuria

At the invitation of the ZLOT Association and the Municipality of Iława, journalists from travel and culinary magazines and portals visited the Western Masuria region...

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Study visit - Wolsztyn

At the end of April journalists visited Wolsztyn...

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